Salutations, Scooby supporters and strap yourselves in for
another sensational synopsis of the Buffyverse books!
Having already covered two of their novels, I thought I’d
take a break from the titanic team of Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder and focus on other writers who’ve scripted Sunnydale stories. Thus, for
my third review I’m thrilled to tackle a new author— here’s Diana G. Gallagher’s “Prime Evil!”
Released in March 2002, “Prime Evil” is the author’s second Buffy novel and takes place during Season Three of the show, sometime between the episodes “Dopplegangland” and “Earshot.”
From the moment she arrives at Sunnydale High, Crystal
Gordon, the gorgeous yet grim new history teacher, gives Buffy the wiggins due
to her seemingly supernatural sway over the students. Buffy’s suspicions soon
prove sound when she and Giles uncover Crystal’s true identity— that of Shugra,
an ancient primal witch intent on harnessing the Hellmouth’s mystical energy. As
part of her plan, Crystal has been creating a coven of thirteen magic users for
a moonlit ritual, chief among them Willow. The Scoobies must save their friend,
stop the ceremony and subdue Shugra’s immortal spirit in a shocking supernatural
Gallagher has a decent handle on the Buffyverse material — the
cast, which besides the core Scoobies includes Oz, Angel and Cordelia, are all
portrayed in a convincing manner. The author also gives several supporting
players more prominent roles— mild-mannered matriarch Joyce factors into the
finale, and weird warlock Michael and awkward Anya both shine as
Crystal’s suckered school recruits… although considering how often authority
figures have harmed students, I’m surprised the kids of Sunnydale trust any of
their teachers.
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*sings* "We don't need no education..." |
Normally in these reviews this is where I’d discuss the dialogue, but in this case nothing here grabbed my attention— the speech is a bit exposition-heavy and lacks the Whedon wit, but it gets the job done. The best way to describe it is Joss-lite: it’s serviceable but doesn’t stand out.
Unlike her lackluster language, Gallagher’s greatest
strength is her descriptive writing— she excels at crafting compelling atmospheric
scenes and painting detailed visual pictures, particularly with the more
violent moments:
man’s body jerked and… flailed within an erratic, shifting web of crimson
electrical energy. Tendrils of red lashed outward, cracking the pavement and
whipping… [up] violent bursts of wind. An acrid, burning stench assaulted
Buffy’s nostrils as waves of charged air rolled over her… with the force of
billions of heated molecules gone berserk.
Another great contribution Gallagher makes is the idea of a Slayer
database, a computer index chronicling all Watcher records. Given the importance
technology and research plays within in the Whedonverse, I’m surprised no one
thought of this clever concept for the series, Giles’ technophobia aside.
Despite these positive elements, “Prime Evil” suffers from a
fatally flawed villain, perfectly described by the term “Big Bad”— discounting the
fact that the publishers couldn’t even get her NAME right on the back cover,
Crystal Gordon is an overblown, incoherent mess.
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Someone's DEFINITELY getting fired for this... |
The main issue is that her character is confounded by a muddled mythology.
Crystal/Shugra’s abilities are the result of a lightning
bolt that struck her as a child, binding her essence to “The Source,” the vast,
ambiguous wellspring for all magic that flows throughout the universe and living
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"Use The Source, Luke!" |
As a result of this explosive event, she gains the power of reincarnation, able to inhabit new bodies over successive generations. Her past lives span countless civilizations and historical events, including ancient Egypt and Greece, the Inquisition and the Salem Witch trials.
Much like “Blooded,” this book is rife with frequent
flashbacks. And similar to my criticism
of that work, “Prime Evil” also suffers from terrible transitions; there aren’t
enough headings to designate shifts in scenery. However, at least in “Blooded”
each flashback was its own individual chapter— here there’ll be breaks in the
backdrop within paragraphs, sometimes even when Crystal is in the middle of an
internal monologue:
Crystal scanned the halls searching for Willow, she toyed with the idea of
simply eliminating Giles and the Slayer, but rejected it… [S]he did not want to
contend with the mass hysteria… their deaths… might provoke. She had dealt with
irrational mobs before and lost…
a rise behind the great temple, Shugra waited in a clearing strewn with large
boulders and ringed by… trees, protected by air and shrouded by fog…
These intrusive interludes are excessive and drastically
disrupt the flow of the story. Furthermore, in “Blooded” the flashbacks fleshed
out the foes and tied into their actions in the present; here, the author
introduces ancillary characters and events that have absolutely no bearing on
the main narrative.
Crystal’s supernatural skills are also problematic. Because
of her connection to The Source, she has complete mastery of the elements and can
conjure fireballs, hurricanes and crimson lighting. These already substantial
abilities are augmented as the story progresses. Her increasingly potent powers
include: being able to heal damaged limbs; exert mind control over her enemies;
and use bits of living tissue to CREATE LIFE ITSELF!
Crystal’s talents trump even those of a certain domineering deity, and it completely severs our suspension of disbelief that she
would have any trouble taking over the world.
The only thing that keeps Crystal from her ultimate goal is
a number of ridiculous rules, such as the fact that members of the coven have
to participate in the ceremony of their own free will. It’s as if the author realized Crystal was far too powerful a foe for the Scoobies and then started frantically
backtracking to keep her grounded.
Crystal’s end goal itself is utterly unclear. The coven
seems to be the key to her gaining supremacy over these magical streams, which
will result in… something happening? Will she gain infinite power? Will she
become the embodiment of magic itself? Will she be able to send Gozer back to
the netherworld?! The book never explains.
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"But I thought you said crossing the streams was bad?!" |
Finally, the climactic confrontation is also exceedingly redundant— when Buffy and company confront Crystal, she animates the surrounding woods and they spend over five chapters floundering against the flora and fauna.
To cite another Buffy phrase, Gallagher is just going through the motions— her writing gets from Point A to Point B (albeit in
a roundabout manner), but it’s in no way memorable, magical or most
importantly, fun; the book is bogged down by bland characterizations, a
bewildering bad guy and a blatantly self-indulgent backstory.
Despite an interesting premise, “Prime Evil’s” mistakes make it maddeningly mediocre, and it’s one of the first Buffy books I wish I’d skipped.
Rating: 3/5 stakes
"Prime Evil" is available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Despite an interesting premise, “Prime Evil’s” mistakes make it maddeningly mediocre, and it’s one of the first Buffy books I wish I’d skipped.
Rating: 3/5 stakes

"Prime Evil" is available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
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